Sunday, October 01, 2006

Living in the Room of Grace...

This morning was a 4 tissue Sunday.

If you know me, to say that I cry easily is an understatement. Kodak commercials do it. A crack in someone's voice or even a hesitation when I know they're trying to collect themselves can do it. It's hopeless. I've given up trying to stop it, so I just go with the "flow" so to speak (pardon the pun).

I cry a little bit nearly every Sunday at church, but some days are worse than others (although I don't consider it to be a bad thing). I feel bad for the people who sit near me just because I'm sure they're trying to figure out what's so upsetting. Is she a non-Christian that's realizing her need for Christ? Is she struggling with some hurt or sin that she can't let go of? What is it that's making her cry all these tears? The good news is that it's usually happy crying. Oh, there are times when it's a struggle over something, but the majority of the time God just fills me with the reality of how much HE really LOVES ME!!! It happens so much since we've been back at Open Door Fellowship. Listen to the messages. They post them online. They're ALWAYS awesome and full of the reminders of our identity in Christ and His gift of grace. WOW!

Anyway, this morning was wonderful as usual. Randy picked a couple of my favorite songs and the guys played beautifully: I Can only Imagine by Mercy Me (I want that played at my funeral by the way.) and Enough by Jeremy Camp, (Choose the "Carried Me" CD at the website and you can hear a bit of the song).

Stuart Black gave the message. He talked about Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler in Matthew 19:16-30. He talked of how Jesus could have slammed him for what he said, but instead chose to demonstrate that unfathomable love and grace that He has for all of us. Boy, is He a patient God! How sad that the ruler chose his own earthly riches over following Christ. I am so glad that I chose Christ so many years ago. I haven't ever regretted it!

I don't know exactly what it was that I heard that touched my heart so strongly today, maybe a combination of things, but before I knew it I was overwhelmed by the love of God and the reality that I'm one of his special children and that's all I really need to know to get through any day or situation. It was a good day!


Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy,
The same thing happens to me. I get very teary in church, especially during worship if we are singing about God's love for us. Also during the sermon if it is about how much God loves us. I have thought the same thing about the people sitting around me.

I can only imagine is one of my favorite songs.

Anyway, I enjoy your blog.

Love, Julie

linda t said...

That is why I love sitting near you Nancy... I love your heart... and I always know that our hearts are knit together in our love for Christ.