Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another Day without vacation pictures:

I'm sure you're beginning to wonder if there really are more vacation pics. Believe me, there are! It's going to be hard to choose those last ones out of the 400 or so favorites that I've narrowed it to. Last night I was going to work on it and ended up falling asleep really early - no idea why. I finally gave up and went to bed before 9 pm and slept all the way to 5:30 this morning with no problem.

Last night we called and talked to Kevin for a while. Apparently he's only going to be at his current location (see his blog for a hint) for a few more days, then he goes to another secret location for a few weeks. We told him to be sure and go to the movies and post about it when he gets there (so we know where he is). :-) Also, there seems to be a slim chance that he may get to go back to Omaha for a few weeks before he actually gets shipped overseas. If so, I'd love to find a way to see him before he leaves.

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